Meet the crew


Margot is a two-year old Pitbull/Saint Bernard mix. She’s extremely friendly with both dogs and people. Margot is high energy and loves to play with friends of all sizes. Margot will monitor all the other dogs when I’m not there; making sure everyone is getting along and playing fairly. She’s very kind and will protect the small or older dogs if she feels it necessary. Margot is approximately 65lbs. She loves to swim, run, or play just about anything you want to do.


Bailey is a twelve-year-old Tibetan Terrier. I rescued him when he was ten, so we’re still getting to know each other. He’s extremely calm and easy-going. He loves to go on walks and eat snacks. He sleeps most of the day. However, if he sees another long haired dog he’ll get very excited and introduce himself. He weighs about 35lbs and gets along well with everyone including children, cats, and even rabbits.


Buster is the alpha-male amongst the cats. They’re all eleven year old siblings, so they’ve known each other literally forever. Buster has always been an indoor/outdoor cat. He enjoys hunting and bringing me both dead and live gifts. He has five fingers and six nails on each hand which makes him the best at defending himself. Because of that, buster is extremely confident around new dogs. He’s very friendly and outgoing. He loves to cuddle with and rub up against all the animals here.


Paul is the sweetest of all my animals. He’s shy at first, but he’s extremely easy to fall in love with once he opens up to you. He never complains about anything. He loves all the animals that come in to the house and cuddles with anyone who will have him. He recently started going outside with his brother Buster and he’s loving that too. Catch him in the summer baking in the sun.


Trouble is just that. She wreaks havoc on everything she comes into contact with both indoors and outdoors. She’s extremely fast and athletic. She also has an extra finger on both hands and toes. She goes outside in the summer and loves to explore. She’s a little more timid around the dogs than the boy cats, but she’s extremely outgoing with people.